Become BAD once if staying GOod always is not helping you✊

You tried to  help someone so many many times… and that too at the cost of your own health, peace & most importantly TIME. The more you helped; the more you lost your own self.

If your help could not help him / her; THEN it will not help in the future times as well…

So! The worst YOU can do is to carry on behaving as in past. And the best you can do is to NOT TRY to take control of others and let things BE.
YOU take control of yourself. And focus on your damn life. Too much to do in here … Isn’t it ?

They might find you shirking and might call you BAD. Become BAD to them once & forever than getting dissolved every single time (by becoming GOOD). Becoming BAD doesn’t mean doing bad to them. It means they will automatically start calling you BAD as they will now be missing your attention (having gotten used to it).
Applies to the closest relations in your life. A knife even if made of Gold can’t be kept closer to heart.

People can be severely thankless at times & keep on expecting you to be always there discharging your sense of responsibility (especially in families).

If you are emotionally competent enough to stay disconnected from their drama; yes! please keep on helping them. But if you are getting affected & rubbed and that also too very often- take a bold decision. For your very own people could be your biggest time & energy vampires & could suck you dry if you keep on letting them.
Be bold. Buy out peace by taking this ONE DECISION.


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